Ep 8. How Mary-Carson Got Here


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Mary-Carson Stiff is the Director of Policy at Wetlands Watch, an environmental nonprofit working on issues like sea-level rise, wetlands preservation, and floodplain management. And she has a really cool (vertical) business card.

On the podcast this week, Mary-Carson tells Rachel and Steph all about the importance of wetlands and the things she’s doing as policy director to help them out. Read: they need a lot of help. Think of the critters! We chat about the importance of high school science teachers (shout out Dr. Peter), listening to people who tell you to not go to law school, and, of course, Taylor Swift.

You can follow all the good work Wetlands Watch is up to on Twitter.

Episode Notes

Full disclosure, we edited out where Steph and Rachel insisted to Mary-Carson that she was from Delaware, while Mary-Carson continued to insist she knew where she was from, and it was not, in fact, Delaware. But, if you want a delightful sketch about the Mid-Atlantic accent, see Elizabeth Banks on 30 Rock. Also, Julianne Moore’s Boston accent throughout that season is INSANE.


Ep 9. How Jordan Got Here


Ep 7. How Marysa Got Here